I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic (“KTIML”), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague, Czechia.
I am one of the logicians in this picture.
jakub.bulin (at) mff.cuni.cz
Office hours: as scheduled at the beginning of each semester; or make an appointment!
I offer bachelor and master theses in theoretical computer science and/or artificial intelliegence, as well as software projects, see here for more details. Informal inquiries are most welcome, especially at this time of year!
My course schedule for the current semester. Archive of past courses.
My primary research interests lie in the intersection of theoretical computer science, computational logic, and universal algebra. A majority of my work is concerned with the complexity of the constraint satisfaction problem. I am also interested in constraint modeling, automated theorem proving, and artificial intelligence.
I am the PI of COLA:ULOM, where we study constraint languages using logical methods under the Czech Science Foundation standard project 25-16324S.
J. Bulín and M. Kompatscher. Short definitions in constraint languages, Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2023) Vol. 272, 28:1–28:15 (2023)
M. Bodirsky, J. Bulín, F. Starke, and M. Wernthaler. The Smallest Hard Trees, Constraints 28/2, 105–137 (2023)
L. Barto, J. Bulín, A. Krokhin, and J. Opršal. Algebraic Approach to Promise Constraint Satisfaction, Journal of the ACM 68/4, 28:1–28:66 (2021)
J. Bulín. On the complexity of H-coloring for special oriented trees, European Journal of Combinatorics 69, 54–75 (2018)
L. Barto and J. Bulín. Deciding absorption in relational structures, Algebra Universalis 78(1), 3–18 (2017)
J. Bulín, D. Delić, M. Jackson, and T. Niven. A finer reduction of constraint problems to digraphs, Logical Methods in Computer Science 11(4:18), 1–33 (2015)
My papers on Google Scholar, on ArXiv, and my ORCID page.
My coauthors: Libor Barto, Manuel Bodirsky, Dejan Delić, Marcel Jackson, Michael Kompatscher, Andrei Krokhin, Todd Niven, Jakub Opršal, Florian Starke, Michael Wernthaler.
My Erdős number: 3